Chat Web Integration

This guide assumes that there is some kind of HTML page rendered by your infrastructure, for which you want to embed our Chat module.

Add iFrame

Add the following <iFrame> block to your HTML page:


Initialize Chat module

To initialize the chat module you need to send an init message with the following information:

  • appType: "WEB" (required)
  • broadcastId (required), a unique identifier of the video content, to which the chat should belong
  • tenantId (required), a unique identifier of the tenant, which is generated in the tenanat setup


    type: "init",
    payload: {
      appType: "WEB",
      broadcastId: "broadcast-123",
      tenantId: "tenant-123",

Set User data

To "authenticate" a logged in (on your HTML page) user you need to send a user message with the following information:

  • userId (required), a unique identifer of your user
  • username (required), a username that is displayed in front of the chat message
  • profileImageSrc (optional), an URL pointing to the users profile image


    type: "user",
    payload: {
      userId: "user-123",
      username: "test user",

Receive Event data from chat module

The chat module sends app and tracking event messages to the parent HTML page via postMessage.

Listening to messages from the iFrame in the parent window:

window.addEventListener("message", (ev) => {
  if (ev.origin == "") {
    // var message = JSON.parse(;

Message format:

  type: "appEvent" | "trackingEvent",
  payload: {
    category: String, // optional
    action: String, // optional
    label: String, // optional
    value: Number, // optional

Example Message: Anonymous user tries to send a message

  type: "appEvent",
  payload: {
    category: "anonymousUser",
    action: "send",
    label: "chat",